Pe 27 decembrie 2024, un incendiu major a izbucnit într-un grajd de animale situat în localitatea Poarta Albă. La fața locului au intervenit prompt echipele Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență (ISU) Constanța, cu intervenție de amploare pentru a stinge flăcările și a salva animalele aflate în pericol.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a devastating fire that destroyed a barn housing sheep in Poarta Alba, Romania, resulting in the death of 500 animals.
The text details the events of the fire, including the emergency response by the firefighters, the extent of the damage, and the number of animals saved and lost.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a devastating fire that destroyed a barn housing sheep in Poarta Alba, Romania, resulting in the death of 500 animals. The text details the events of the fire, including the emergency response by the firefighters, the extent of the damage, and the number of animals saved and lost.